Foiling Makeup

Foiling makeup, especially eyeshadows, can help your eye makeup last longer and even appear more vivid. Foiling entails mixing your eyeshadow, typically loose powder, with a base such as a setting spray or even water (though be careful not to contaminate the product; we'll cover that below). Rather than dusting the loose powder minerals and seeing what stays put (verses what may land under your eyes and need cleaned up!), you create a creamy or liquid-like format that will last and last.
Sounds like a winning method, right? Take note: there can be a learning curve, though, so we recommend doing the process until you feel you've mastered it - then using it before a long workday, big event, etc. Here are the basic steps to foil your eyeshadow:
Choose the best brush for foiling makeup:
Use a condensed, tightly packed brush, such as a concealer, eyeshadow, or angled brush. You don't want to use a fluffy brush, as focusing the pigment is the goal.
Dampen the brush, but keep the product sanitary:
Spritz some setting spray or even dampen your brush by dipping it into water (then perhaps dabbing it on a clean towel a couple times; you do not want the brush soaking wet, just damp!).
Tap your loose powder minerals into the lid:
You don't want to get your liquid substrate in the product itself (liquids, especially water, can increase the risk of contamination, e.g., microbial growth), so it's important you have separated the minerals, such as by tapping some onto the lid. Dip your brush into the tapped-out minerals and tap off the excess.
Apply the damp mineral mixture:
Next, swipe your minerals across your lid, close to the lashes, and see a vivid color, almost akin to an eyeliner, appear! If you layer, do so while the product is damp on your eyelids. Layering while part of it is dry may make 'chunks' come off. Your window to work the product around is when it's still damp on your lids.
Have you given foiling your makeup a go? Again, do try a few times to get the hang of it and find your best methods and routines. It'll make getting ready in the future all the easier, and product that stays put all day, especially loose powder minerals, is sure to accelerate your day toward confidence and success!
Recommended products:
Many love Omiana's loose powder eyeshadows for their simple ingredients and enjoy foiling them.
Wanting the most vivid formulas without foiling? Consider Omiana's pressed mineral eyeshadows, especially the Bold Beauties.